.S N=250 .C 0,P,0 .!CLRT .P "You are in an area of total darkness. .P "Your lamp appears to have gone out. .P "It is very cold. .S T0(4)=0 .S T0(5)=0 .S B=0 LOOK EXAMI CHECK READ GET GRAB TAKE PICK UP PICKU CARRY KEEP STEAL .!CLRT .P "It's much too dark to see anything. %LI05 .I O:1 .E P "You don't have any matches. .E J -4 .P "You strike the match, but it won't .P "light. !INVD .!CLRT .P "You stumble around in the darkness .P "for a time. .S B=B+1 .I B<9 .T J +7 .S T0(4)=1 .I N0(43):0 .T 3 ROOM 37.0 .I N0(43)>0 .T 3 ROOM 43.0 .!TUNL @@@@@